
Software products of research and development for medical image processing and analysis, radiation therapy and other medical fields

Radiation Therapy Field
DICOM RT Image Viewer and Tools

Growth RTV – DICOM RT Viewer and Medical Image AI Development Asist Tool

*Please contact us if you consider of employment of the software or wish to trial.

Demo Movie of PRIM RT Viewer

Other Assistant Tools for Radiotherapy

co-development product

iVAS™ – Dose Evaluation Tool for Multiple Radiation Therapy Treatment Phase


3D Medical Image Viewer

LiveVolume is a free, volume rendering software application for medical imaging and biological visualization. The software generates volume-rendered images interactively using GPU.

  • Joint Research and Development Institutions
  • provides performance
    • Panasonic Medical Solutions Co., Ltd. (Plissimo Series)

Live Volume can be download from official website.

Live Volume


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Field
Surgical planning software for mandibular reconstruction

biGAKU is a free, virtual preoperative planning software for mandibular reconstructive surgery.

biGAKU (Free version) can be download from official website.



Other Products and Research

Orthopedics Field
The research and developement for surgical planning and navigation system

Surgical Planning and Navigation System for micro endoscopic laminectomy(MEL)

Interactive surgical planning tools

Sugical Navigation System using 3D Volume Redering Image

Cardiovascular Field

Cardiovascular modeling tool for congenital heart disease

CardioDesigner provide a quick and interactive interface to generate a 3D Cardiovascular image of congenital heart disease.

CardioDesigner can be download from official website.

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